Mahdavia academy

The first ever online learning platform offering Islamic education from a Mahdavia perspective!

To provide a holistic Islamic education from Mahdavia literature and scholars!

The teachings on this site will be based on the Quran, Hadith, and from the teachings of Mahdi (AS).
Mahdavia Academy
Who Are We

About Us

This Academy was founded with the goal in mind to provide a holistic Islamic education based on the Holy Quran, Hadith (narrations of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)), and from the teachings of Mahdi (AS).

Our Products/Services offer the following:
  • Flexibility to complete courses from home at your own pace
  • Course materials/topics are reviewed by the relevant Scholars within our Mahdavia Community prior to publishing
  • Self-assessments to challenge yourself!
  • FREE self-paced courses!

> Learn more about our Belief System...


— unlock your full potential —
Mahdavia Academy needs your information in order to provide you with relevant information such as:
Promotional Emails, Course Announcements, and etc.!


Registration is FREE, and so is enrollment in our FREE courses!

If you do not have a free account yet, then please signup now or login!

Registrants Stay Up-to-Date

Registrants will stay up-to-date with the latest announcements about our products/services (courses, etc.) via marketing emails.

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Registrants can control the flow of communication from us by opting-in/out from our marketing communications at any time. For more information, see how to subscribe/unsubscribe and review our Privacy Policy.

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